Thursday, January 22, 2015

Spring 2015 Semester Has Begun!

Welcome back! 

The last semester of my college career has begun! I am both happy, sad, terrified and excited for what is next to come. Until then though, I have a lot left to do! This semester I have to analyze all of the temperature and water retention data I have collected on our experimental trays. I am tackling the temperature data first. This week I am compiling all of the data into one excel file and then double checking that it is correct. I will then begin to take monthly averages of our different treatments and compare them. I will do a lot of analysis with this data eventually but this sounded like a good start. 

Additionally, I need to share some pictures with you! Over winter break, Kelly and I took out the ibuttons, collected their data, reset them, and replaced them in their locations. At the CBG experimental site we had a tough time. The soil was frozen over so we tried warming the soil up with a hair dryer which didn't end up working. We ended up working really hard to dig down into the soil with a spoon. We were successful. 
CBG Experimental Site
CBG - isn't it beautiful?
LUC Experimental Site
Working hard despite the cold 

Despite the green roofs taking time to hibernate, a lot of work must be done. Here I go! 

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